Joint Monitoring Programme

JMP Metadatabase Log in

Towards a Joint monitoring programme for the North Sea and the Celtic Sea (JMP NS/CS) was coordinated by Rijkswaterstaat, in collaboration with 17 partner institutions in all countries bordering the North Sea and the Celtic Sea.

The project delivered a searchable metadatabase, created by BMDC, built on the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) reporting formats, which may be further used in the OSPAR data and information management system. This project aims at developing a joint and integrated monitoring programme between the institutions responsible for national monitoring at the level of the North Sea and Celtic Sea sub-regions.

Synergies in existing monitoring programmes and cost-effective ways of maximising efficiency of existing resources (e.g. multi-use of existing monitoring platforms) are therefore investigated in order to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of marine monitoring efforts.

These joint monitoring programmes have to meet monitoring requirements of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and other environmental legislation, and to support an ecosystem-based management of human activities in the sub-regions concerned.

JMP NS/CS metadatabase catalogue

The database is accessible here (username: jmpguest & password: jmpguest). It currently contains information on MSFD related national monitoring programmes from BE, DE, DK, NL, SE and UK.

This project is co-financed by the European Union/DG Environment. Grant Agreement No. 07.0335/2013/659567/SUB/C2

The Catalogue

The present catalogue is a searchable meta-database of existing marine monitoring programmes conducted by Member States involved in the project. The database integrates metadata on marine monitoring (element and parameter measured, frequency, start dates and other fields), as well as an overview of national MSFD indicators and environmental targets reported to the European Commission by Member States in July 2012.

This web catalogue contains the current available information from a wide range of Member States. In some cases, there are detailed overviews of the planned MSFD monitoring programmes as well as programme that are under development. It therefore contains a mixture of on-going and planned MSFD monitoring programmes.

It is important to note that the present tool is still a prototype and is therefore not fully complete and definitive. This data base is a live effort, which will be updated as information on (planned) MSFD monitoring programmes become available.

The Partners